Video Surveilance
Talking Turnstiles with Smarter Security
Andy:Hey, everyone. We're here with another podcast today. I'm here with Dan from Smarter Security, and we're going to talk about turnstiles, the effective use of them, the different types of them and some problems...
Talking Cloud Security with OpenEYE and Feenics
Andy: Good Friday everyone, or at least it's Friday when we're recording this thing, but I'm here with Kyle with OpenEye and Paul with Feenics. And we're going to talk about the benefits of cloud security and I'm...
Talking AI with Avigilon
Andy:Thanks Jeff for being here. Everyone, this is Jeff with Avigilon. And if you don't know Avigilon, you should know Avigilon because they are a leader in physical security devices, mainly surveillance and access...
How we upgraded a surveillance system for 60% less!
Good day, everyone. I want to tell you about a recent project we just did for a client. This particular client has an old surveillance system in their building. They thought that they were going to have to rip and...
How Does Remote Video Monitoring Work?
Remote video monitoring is a service that many organizations contemplate, but few truly understand until they see it in action. If you're a business owner concerned about loss prevention and property crime, it's time...
Upgrading from CCTV to Hosted IP Video
Is it worth it to upgrade from CCTV video surveillance to hosted IP video? In many cases, the answer is yes. Here are some of the best reasons to make the step up to IP video surveillance. Higher...
Top 3 Reasons to Add IP Video Surveillance Today
Internet Protocol (IP) devices are entangling themselves into every facet of our lives, and video surveillance is no different. Although adoption has been slow, the steady development of new technologies, from camera...